

Hôtel Locarno Nice ***

4, Avenue des Baumettes - 06000 Nice

Booking : + 33 (0) 4 93 96 28 00

Tel. : + 33 (0) 4 93 96 28 00 - 24h/24-7jr/7


Hotel Locarno Nice - Contact & Accès


From the A8 Highway coming from Aix-en-Provence

Take exit 50 toward Nice/Promenade des Anglais.
Continue on Boulevard Georges Pompidou toward Antibes/Saint-Laurent-du-Var.
Keep right at the fork to continue on Boulevard René Cassin.
Take the left ramp toward Voie Mathis and continue for 3.6 km.
Exit toward downtown via Saint-Philippe.
Turn right onto Boulevard François Grosso.
Turn right onto Avenue des Baumettes; after 16 meters, you’ll find Hotel Locarno on your right.

From the A8 Highway coming from Italy

Take exit 55 toward Nice Est to E74.
At the roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto Route de Turin, then turn right onto Pont Garigliano le Lion.
Turn left onto Boulevard de l’Ariane, then use the right lane to continue on Pont Garigliano le Tigre.
Stay in the right lane toward Nice Center and join the Pénétrante du Paillon.
Turn right onto Pont des Abattoirs and turn left onto Avenue du Maréchal Lyautey.
Turn right onto Voie Pierre Mathis.
Exit toward downtown via Saint-Philippe.
Turn right onto Boulevard François Grosso.
Turn right onto Avenue des Baumettes; you’ll find Hotel Locarno Nice on your right.

Hotel Locarno Nice - Contact & Accès


On Foot (20 minutes)

Head southwest on Avenue Thiers.
Continue on Châteauneuf and turn left onto Boulevard François Grosso.
Walk straight for 600 meters and turn right onto Avenue des Baumettes.
Hotel Locarno is on your right.

By Car (8 minutes)

Head southwest on Avenue Thiers.
Continue on Châteauneuf and turn left onto Boulevard François Grosso.
Drive straight for 600 meters and turn right onto Avenue des Baumettes.
Hotel Locarno is on your right.

By Tramway

Turn left upon exiting the train station onto Avenue Thiers.
Take Line 1 at the Gare Thiers stop toward Hôpital Pasteur.
Get off at Jean Médecin stop and continue straight for 2 minutes to the Jean Médecin stop for Line 2 on Boulevard Victor Hugo.
Get off at Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen stop.
Head to Rue Paul Valéry, turn right onto Rue de France, then left onto Avenue des Baumettes.

By Taxi

Contact the reception for assistance.

Hotel Locarno Nice - Contact & Accès


By Car (10 minutes)

From the roundabout at the Voyageur, take the 2nd exit onto Avenue Santos Dumont.
Turn left onto Avenue Auguste Maicon.
Turn right onto Boulevard René Cassin toward Nice-Center.
Take the left ramp toward Voie Mathis and continue for 3.6 km.
Exit toward downtown via Saint-Philippe.
Turn right onto Boulevard François Grosso.
Turn right onto Avenue des Baumettes; continue for 16 meters, and Hotel Locarno is on your right.

By Tramway

From Aéroport T1 or T2 stop, take Line 2 toward Port Lympia.
Get off at the Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen stop.
Head to Rue Paul Valéry, turn right onto Rue de France, then left onto Avenue des Baumettes.

By Taxi

Contact the reception for assistance.